Schoolroom Facilities
The Schoolroom has been subjected to a significant upgrade including new flat roof on the extension, new sky lights, replaced ceiling in the main hall, new blinds and pelmets, low surface temperature radiators for protection, LED lighting, new boiler and controls, improved storage space throughout, repaired plaster work and totally re-decorated, improved notice boards, and a brand new and well appointed kitchen. A disabled toilet is available and the toilets space reorganised and upgraded.
The Main Hall
It is approximately 66ft x 24ft, with a wooden floor covered with a vinyl finish. At one end is a stage. It is airy and the LED lights provide excellent illumination. There is a drop down screen with rear projection, an induction loop for the hard of hearing, and sound and vision capability.
The School Room Kitchen
The newly refurbished Kitchen is well appointed with induction hob, oven, microwave, dishwasher, and fridge, plinth heating as well as double sinks and good storage.
Small Hall
Beyond the kitchen is a small hall that is used for the temporary storage of Playgroup equipment, and not available for hire.
All the above have access to toilet facilities, now refurbished, within the same part of the building, on the same level. A disabled toilet is available off the main hall. All toilets have motion sensor lighting. See pictures below:
Boy's Toilet with waterless urinals, hand drier and cleaner's sink.
Part of the Girl's Toilet with Baby Change station.
Shower unit within the Girl's Toilet.
This is a wonderful community resource, and we look forward to your enquiry for its rental.