Driffield Methodist Church

About Us           

Driffield Methodist Church

Driffield Methodist Church is part of the Driffield-Hornsea Circuit. We have a variety of worship within the circuit and you are assured of a warm welcome at any of the Churches. We are also part of the Yorkshire North and East District  of The Methodist Church of Great Britain.                                               

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 Circuit Minister is:

Rev Peter Barnett

01377 538806

Church Postal Address:

52 Westgate, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire,YO25 6TJ.

Circuit Office:

Tuesday, 1pm - 6pm

Wednesday, 8am - 1pm

Thursday, 8am - 1pm

Phone/Text: 07513 195366

Email: cadriffieldhornsea2023@gmail.com

Please Contact Us by e-mail

Web Site:

Any questions relating to the web site content should be submitted through Contact Us. Also  e-mail us here. 

Image of DoYCI Logo

The Duke of York’s Community Initiative.  

A Royal Award presented to community projects based in Yorkshire. The schemes need to be owned, developed and led by the people they serve; of real value to the community, well run and an inspiration to others. Individual awards are also given in recognition of exceptional leadership skills.

Driffield Methodist Church is an award holder in both the project and leadership skills categories.