Driffield Methodist Church

Audio Visual in our Church

If you would like to join those that present the Audio Visual content of our services, please get in touch. Drop us a note using the Contact Form here. 

"Spreading the Signal"

We have had cause recently to change the HDMI boxes at the front of the church. They are the points where we connect an audio visual source (laptop) to our large screens and redistribute the signal(s) to the organ and dais monitors. 

We have been referred to wireless HDMI signal units, and we are grateful for this engagement with the topic. However, the design of the existing a/v setup had evaluated wireless units already. Indeed, the idea is an excellent one and has already been considered - "BYOD" (Bring Your Own Device) - for the future, to enhance presentations of our own and those of our building users. Currently, the need is not there. 

As to why we have not followed this route we could write a lengthy article describing our research. To save the trouble please look at this excellent piece (external website How-to-Geek "What Is Wireless HDMI and Should You Use It?"). 

It relates to the home of course, but the commentary is still relevant in a larger community space. In summary, we don't use it because of latency, lack of standards, and possible interference. As you read the article you will pick up on other reasons as you reflect on our a/v during services. A/V Team


As a responsible Church we follow the obligations and protocols of music licensing. This is a huge topic, but you can be comfortable in the knowledge that we are fully compliant. 

It manifests itself every week with every aspect of musical reproduction we employ. Credits are included on every hymn we present on the screen. 

Should you wish to learn more then please follow the link to

CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International)

(External website)

There are compliance notices posted in the building. If you wish to ask anything relating to our interpretation and work in support of CCLI then please approach a member of your A/V team.

As part of the rebuild we incorporated an outstanding Audio Visual facility to enhance our activities and offer to the community. With it comes its own set of challenges. Here is the Editor's take on the subject, and how it fits into church life in particular. If we are going to have a digital presence, what should it be, and how do we deliver it? 

Download a copy:

Church in a Digital World

or read it here (use the double arrows to the right for options):


CCLI, One License and PPL/PRS licences held. Details available on request.