Family Worker 
I started as the children and families worker in May 24. My role is to continue current services and to develop children and families services within the church.
At present we have:
Toastie tots on a Monday 9-10:30am (term time only).
Junior church on a Sunday - 10:30 - 11:30 where we do activities, worship and learning centred around the bible.
Messy Church- in the school holidays. Times and dates to be confirmed, though the next one is Sunday 15th December incorporated in our Sunday worship.
I'm also going into the C of E primary school in Driffield to do 'messy prayers' which is a lunchtime club of fun activities based on the schools theme of friendship for the half term. It is centred around stories of friendship from the bible with a craft for children to do. Also in the future I may be working with the 'yeast team' to provide lunchtime club to children at the junior school.
My role involves building relationships within the community in order to provide Christ centred services and working with other charities / agencies when required to support vulnerable people (eg. Safeguarding/referrals to other agencies such as Love Driffield the hub).
I support volunteers within the church to assist with the above. For example we have volunteers involved with 'Open the Book' who are going into schools assemblies to act out different stories from the bible.
If you wish to contact me please use the Family Worker Contact Form here.
You can also follow us at our Facebook Page if you follow this link