Appearing at DMC on Friday 21st March 2025 at 1800 hrs. No charge for entry, but a collection will be taken and distributed through the organizations listed below.
"We are a UK charity working across Kenya repairing broken hand pumps and working in the Maasai areas of Kenya, helping families out of poverty through education, health and local clean water and by assisting people to become more economically active. Helping Kenya and Africa help itself is our main objective.
We are a team of volunteers with no salaries or costs thus 100% of monies we receive go to the projects in Kenya. Nothing is used for any UK expenses.
Our Charity projects
Our projects help people have better health, more skills or more productive time, so helping to reduce the cycle of poverty. These include:
• Local clean water
• Repairing broken hand pumps in Kenya
• Education
• Sponsoring children through school
(click on the links above for more information on the projects)
Why was the charity started?
The charity was started to help a Maasai community in Southern Kenya but our projects are now across the whole of Kenya."
Repaired Wall
The old wall (C1760) that collapsed has been repaired. The cause was a significant buddleia that had its' roots in the ground in the middle of the three brick width structure. They reached left and right as well as upwards, weakening the wall until the other side collapsed. This excellent repair involved different sized bricks throughout, but particularly, smaller ones on the far side! It is now locked into the existing walls left and right which are not absolutely true which was another challenge. There is a good foundation installed and ties throughout. Ultimate recycling with old bricks and all waste building material recycled locally.
Many thanks to TREVOR GILSON (Builders) 01377 250314 and 07833 438263
Many thanks go to the two members of the P&F Committee that attended every day throughout the repair, opening up and closing down, and also doing some work!
Green Faith Group (GFG) - Those interested in forming this group have decided to meet once a month at 2pm in church on the last Friday of the month. The next meeting will be on Friday 28 February 2025 to share articles and books that have inspired our thinking about an ecological image of God active throughout creation. The book we are considering together is "Come, have Breakfast" by Elizabeth A Johnson, the Introduction and Chapter 1. As background try looking at the writings of Pope Francis on the Laudato si' website where there is a wealth of material being used by our RC sisters and brothers.
Artificial Intelligence - help or threat?
Is "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) a mystery to you? Is it a threat? Does it have a place in churches, or even in your own life? Unless we consider it, and understand it, we will never know and we will probably see it as irrelevant or a threat, because most things we don't understand are exactly that. Under the Our Church - Audio Visual tab above there are a number of links covering all sorts of articles on the subject. Try some!
Five simple ways to fight climate change
Click HERE to read how (external website)
The Leader - Autumn Edition 2024
The latest edition is available for you to read. Either CLICK HERE or go to "Church Publications" on the left and scroll down. Like all publications on this website the articles are easy to read in full screen as if you had a hard copy in front of you! Follow the simple instructions on the Church Publications page.
May I direct you to the excellent article by Harry in the latest Leader - "The Invisible Pews". Our redevelopment required multiple grant applications that, in turn, demanded to know our ethos, hopes for the future and inclusivity. Grants were awarded because we reflected the values to which Harry refers. ALL the applications (successful and not so!) were written by an occupant of an "Invisible Pew". In the competitive grants environment we would have failed if we had not displayed enlightenment demanded by the Grants process. In many ways we are making a difference, but theology remains the danger zone! Perhaps we could revel in the things we all agree on, especially if we are unable to discuss faith openly without being defensive? The article should, at the very least, cause us to think or even better cause us to speak out more.
Also on the site is another article by Harry written for the Progressive Christian Network. It is in the "Thoughts" page. It is recommended reading.
Are you aware of the Progressive Christian Network? Are you familiar with its work?
Here are the eight points that amplify their place in the Christian network:
This extract can be placed in context by visiting their website
by clicking on the logo above (external website). Here you will see all the aims of the Network, and writings upon which it is based. It is a challenging and interesting environment which sits well with our discussion group "Green Faith" above.
"Many local churches are turning their prayerful reflection
into action through the Eco Church programme run by A Rocha. It has become much
more common today to pray in church for God’s creation and our own part in
addressing climate change. We have more opportunities in the annual church
calendar to reflect on creation such as World Environment Day in June. Some
churches have begun to mark the period of ‘Creationtide’ in September,
originally a festival of the Orthodox Christian church. Harvest Sunday falls
during this period."
Extract from "Climate Change and the Christian Faith".
Why not read all the article here (external website) and engage with our own efforts in this programme.
Online Shopping
Easyfundraising is our partner for raising funds whilst you shop. With the shift to more online shopping and the tighter restrictions please remember to support us through Easyfundraising. If you have not registered yet click here to go direct to their website and Register to support DMC. Or go to our own page for a full explanation first (see the "Support DMC when you shop") tab to the left. If you nee advice or help get in touch.
Thanks to 30 supporters we have raised over £1000!
The Four aims of Methodists
Methodism's activities, both alone and with ecumenical and secular partners, are based on four aims known as Our Calling:
· To increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love
· To help people to grow and learn as Christians through mutual support and care
· To be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice
· To make more followers of Jesus Christ.
Site Updated
13 February 2025
"Property plays a significant role in enabling a presence within communities. A Methodist building that is welcoming, eye-catching and that acts as a focal point for community engagement can speak powerfully of God’s love. Utilising a property either by redeveloping it for social purpose or incorporating a range of social uses into an existing building is as much a part of a mission plan as preaching, worship or community evangelism."
Property & Mission
New Strategic Guidance for the Use of Property in Mission