Driffield Methodist Church

Messy Church Nativity 2024

Messy Church Nativity 1                       Messy Church Nativity 2

Messy Church Nativity 5                                         Messy Church Nativity 3                      

A fabulous day at our Nativity Messy Church. It was great to see both the children and parents/carers involved. (Quite literally- we even had a baby playing the perfect role of Jesus). With lots of humour from the Inn keeper (who I told 10 seconds before they lept up that they were actually not a shepherd but an innkeeper & them not knowing they didn't have room at the inn, to then having room at the inn -sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣), to me dashing about looking for our bright star (which was actually already been held) to brilliant kings, a fab angel, shepherds and of course Mary & Joseph.We had lots of good laughs & great dancing. With many thanks to all the children involved in decorating the trees from Kingsmill school and Sixth Form, Driffield C of E primary school the Messy prayers and Bumblebees groups, Toastie Tots & Junior church. The children enjoyed having messy fun making lots of crafts from bauble making, donkey making & cristingles to name a few. Thank you all and God Bless from us all at  Driffield Methodist Church. What a great start to Christmas. ⭐     

  Messy Church Nativity 6          Messy 1

Messy Church Nativity 7                 Messy Church Nativity 8

Messy Church Nativity 9              Messy Church Nativity 10